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B300 spool Oerlikon

Çaplar / Paketleme

16 KG SPOOL (B300)
1.2 mm W000282952



AWS A5.28 : ER70S-A1
EN ISO 14341-A : G 46 3 M21 2Mo
EN ISO 21952-A : G MoSi

Solid wire for welding creep resistant 0.5%Mo steels and fine grained steels.


Used in chemical plant construction operating at elevated temperatures up to 500°C, also suitable for applications in petrochemical process plant where some resistance to hot hydrogen attack is necessary or for welding of micro-alloyed stels where increased strength is required. 


  • Used for welding low alloy creep resistant ferritic steels and fine grained steels
  • Ideal for low temperature applications in the as welded condition with service temperatures in range -30°C to +500°C
  • Recommended for welding 0.5% Mo low-alloy steels and for high strength steels.

Tipik Uygulamalar

  • Chemical plant contruction
  • Petrochemical
  • Oil & Gas
  • Thermal Power

Koruyucu gaz

  • M20 : Mixed gas Ar+ 5-15% CO2, M21 : Mixed gas Ar+ 15-25% CO2